After lousy last season when I injured my knee in November and had surgery in December and constant problems (getting swollen and pretty sore) all winter, I'm getting ready for this one.. I had another surgery two months ago and have been workingout since then. Doing a lot of boring exercises and biking I finally got to go on skis two week ago.
We spent last 12 days of September in Zermatt (CH) and had unbelievable luck with weather – sunny all the time – in autumn on glacier?! Sick ass.. I shouldn't be skiing yet, so I took it pretty safe and my main objective was not to crash.. Just to get my feel back, I did A LOT of straight airs and 360s, sw1s .. Landings were hard and bit too flat, so my knee wasn't that happy.. Especially in the first few days. But got more solid and confident with every day.. Just being in mountains-and Swiss's got some 4 sure-endless glaciers wherever you look.. Life's good and skiing is sooo rad!
I am back to boring exercises in rehab center on Slovenian coast for two weeks now.. But there's also sweet side of it.. I'm staying in 4 star hotel, great food, hot tub massages, hot therapeutic assistants.. Just staying focused on winter of 09/10. Come soon.. please!