Summer season pass for Dachstein Glacier is not valid anymore, which sucks. There's no snow on Planai (Schladming) so the dopest snowpark is still running on glacier..
We had a lot of fun in November enjoying lots of sunny days and (almost) perfect park. Or should I wrote parks, 'cause the begginer, one is great, too. Still taking it pretty easy and safe I managed to broke two bindings and almost myself doin' stupid tings. Pretty much skiing tired when I should stop alredy.. Still in one piece I'm waiting for snow to fall and parks start operating in our little country.. We got the taste of it this weekend and jib some small box in Kranjska Gora. We are still working on third landing being made out of dirt in KG snowpark. It'll be one of the sickest slopestyle course I saw.. Come check it out!